Renewable Diesel plants start up with little focus on renewable naphtha. It is a by-product and they are rightfully concerned with operating the plant reliably. Hydrotreating and hydrocracking are not new technologies, but application to renewable feedstocks brings many challenges. As renewable diesel plants become more reliable, the focus may shift to optimizing the profitability of renewable naphtha. As renewable manufacturers consider shifting to a higher yield of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), increased Renewable naphtha yield may also increase attention to the profitability of this by-product.
The key to increasing the profitability of renewable naphtha is to access RINs and LCFS credits. Some do this by making E85, others by using it to fuel green hydrogen plants. Making Renewable Gasoline using HRC Fuels technology is a straight-forward option which can offer large profits
HRC Fuels Technology synergizes with ethanol to provide impressive benefits:
1 Ethanol blend octane value increases from 115 to 150.
2 E15 allows higher renewable naphtha content
3 Aromatic amine additives make up for low octane of paraffinic renewable naphtha
4 HRC Renewable Gasoline is a drop-in replacement for conventional gasoline – it meets all current gasoline specs.
HRC Fuels technology allows Renewable Diesel facilities to make drop-in renewable gasolines like 87E10 or 87E15, capturing RINs and LCFS credits. And the processes are scalable, they can start small and grow as renewable naphtha supply increases. While the example shown involves no processing – just blending – we have other examples with light processing which are even more attractive economically.
HRC Fuels is working with several Renewable Diesel manufacturers to increase their profitability by making Renewable Gasoline. We can review you process and blending facilities and tailor recipes to meet your specific needs. Now is the time to jump on this new technology, and improve your profitability!! Contact John Burger or Don Byrne for more information!